October 2024 Newsletter
October —— Newsletter——
Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at 308 W 7th St Columbia (Memorial Building) Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 pm. No Meal will be served.
Shawn Ponds won the small jackpot of $21.25
By not being present at the meeting, David Alderson missed out on the opportunity to win the big jackpot of $346.00, Steven Burgess missed out on the half pot of $173.00 by not being present, Claude Brawner, Gary Nelson, and Darlene Barker missed out on the quarter pot of $86.50 by not being present.
SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T.
Wall, Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Lee, Archie Steen Jr, Larry Jones, Oscar Crouch, Ray Dye, Jimmy Rogers.
Bill Ray, George Jones, Charles Dillehay, Calvin Cheek, and Danny Staggs, Art Ankurm
Post 19 Website: Â Encourage other members to view their newsletter on the website. legionpost19.com
New Members: David Buffaloe U.S.A.F Retired
Need Help: If you can help with Military Honors as a flag folder, contact Diane Burgess 931-215-8909 or
Darrell Van Dusen 931-334-0702
Guests: None
Post Everlasting: None
Flags folded: August 1st Fred Hanson; 16th Brian Salian; 18th R.E. Duncan; 24th John Cochran
Our Membership: Membership began on July 1st . Dues are $50.00 and can be paid online, by mail or
here at the Post at our next meeting.
Comments: Please carry membership applications with you. Try to recruit at least one new member this
year. Tell your friends about Post 19, Squadron 19, and Auxiliary Unit 19, and American Legion Riders.
Please encourage veterans and their eligible family members to join the Post 19 American Legion family.
Commander’s Message: A special thanks to everyone that attended the September meeting. Looking
forward to seeing you on October 1st, 2024, the meeting that will be held at the Memorial Building
beginning at 6:00 pm. No Meal will be served.