October 2021 Special Called Meeting Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on October 21st, 2021. Commander Eddie Ables called the Special Call meeting to order at 6:00 pm. There were 47 members present.
Chaplain Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.
Commander Eddie Ables opened the meeting stating that the reason for the Special Call meeting was called following the American Legion Department Constitution and Bylaws Article IX Post Organization Section 11 (b). On 10/6/2021 letters were sent to active members allowing the 10-day notice of the meeting regarding the sell of real property of American Legion Post 19. A majority of vote required per the Constitution and Bylaws.
An executive meeting was held on 6/21/2021 which was open to the general membership to discuss the sale of the real properties of Post 19. A vote was taken with the membership present voting to allow the executive committee to look into the sale of property.
The executive committee had received 2 different entities interested in the property, with 1 entity removing their intent leaving Columbia Power and Water System (CPWS) as the only interested party.
CPWS contacted Commander Ables with their intent on the purchase of the property, with October 1, 2021, being the deadline to submit their offer to purchase the property.
CPWS visited the property of Post 19 on October 1, 2021, and submitted a cash offer of $1,500,000.00, giving $50,000.00 in earnest monies. Closing will be within 30 days of the vote. Post will have 180 days of use of the property after closing. Post will be liable for all utilities, insurance, including maintenance up $1,000. CPWS will take care of the grounds. Closing cost should be $500.00 or less. The Post paid $2900.00 for appraisal fee.
Letters were sent to all active membership on 10/6/2021 informing them of a Special Call Meeting will be held 10/21/2021 at 6:00 pm.
The floor was open to discussion.
Inquiry was made concerning future meeting places for Post 19. The Memorial Building would be available at no cost to the Post for meetings, along with FOP offering the use of their building.
Inquiry was made as to the Tank and where it would go. Loretto Post had made previous inquiries about the tank, and it was brought to the attention that when the tank was deeded to Post 19 that it must remain in Columbia. VFW may be interested.
Inquiry was made concerning the furnishing within the post. All pictures and flags on the wall to be boxed and stored in a climate-controlled storage facility until a determination will be made concerning a permanent meeting place. Numerous questions were asked about certain items within the building including the ice machine. VFW would be interested in getting the ice machine in return Post 19 would be able to get ice when needed. Other furnishing not attached to the building could be donated to other veteran organizations.
Pam Minnehan inquired about the Cub Scouts would need a place to stay and was wondering about storage.
Malcomb Kirby proposed a possible extension for 12 extension from CPWS.
No other discussion made.
Calvin Cheek made a motion to conduct the vote, First Vice Commander Gene McShane seconded the motion.
A standing vote was taken with forty-seven (47) for the sale and zero (0) against the sale of the property.
Commander Ables stated that he will get in contact Executive Director Scott Dalistrom of CPWS and let him know the outcome of the vote.
Hall Manager Diane Burgess stated the last rental for the hall was booked for 4/27/2022
Finance Officer Donny Walters stated the building for Post 19 was built in 1961.
Finance Officer Donny Walters has been a Legion Member for 68 years with Judge Advocate Calvin Cheek having 67 years as a Legion Member remembering when the building was built.
There being no further business, Commander Eddie Ables adjourned the meeting at 6:38 pm.