March 2024 Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on March 5th, 2024. Vice Commander Diane Burgess called the meeting to order at 6:35pm. There were 28 members present.
Chaplain Kim Smith was not present Terry Locke offered the opening prayer.
READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Steve Metheny read minutes from the February 6th, 2024, meeting and they were approved as read.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.
NEW MEMBER OR GUEST: Guests Gretchen Catherwood & Zach Cole
Guest Speaker: Zach Cole, a member of the Boy Scouts Troop 114 has decided on his Eagle Scout project to clean up and re-landscape the area surrounding the Medal of Honor recipient John Harlan Willis Memorial Gretchen Catherwood from the Darkhorse Lodge spoke on the loss of her son and the inspirations to open the lodge to help all combat veterans. A Collection from the membership was taken up with a total of $332.00 donated. A motion was made and carried, with the Post donating $500.00 for the lodge.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Veterans Services: Service Officer Jeff Parks had nothing to report.
MEMBERSHIP: Adjutant Steven Metheny gave the membership report. Post 19 membership quota for 2024 is 410, 352 have paid, still need 58, the post stands at 86%.
SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall, Wayne Roberts, Archie Steen Jr. and Larry Jones, Oscar Crouch, Ray Dye and Jimmy Rogers, Bill Ray, George Jones. Charles Dilahay; Past Dept Commander Gary “Rooster” Drennon. Commander Roger Chapman, Charles Sanders, Calvin Cheek & Danny Staggs
FLAGS FOLDED: 02/03/2024 Randy Davidson; 02/04/2024 Buddy Smith
NEW BUSINESS: Darrell Vandusen and Diane Burgess will be the contact for any Flag Folding.
Nominations were made for Post 19 2024- 2025 Officer Positions
Diane Burgess was nominated for Post Commander
Mike Nuelander was nominated for 1st Vice Commander
Rebecca Johnston was nominated for 2nd Vice Commander
No Nominations were made for 3rd Vice Commander
Jeff Parks was nominated for Finance Officer
Steve Metheny was nominated for Adjutant.
Dan Pullen was nominated for Service Officer
Tom Dubois was nominated for Judge Advocate
Kim Smith was nominated for Post Chaplain
Kenneth Thompson & David Wade was nominated for Sgt at Arms
Bob Stephenson was nominated for Post Historian
GOOD FOR THE LEGION: ROTC Scholarships and Awards will be Presented at the May Meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Legion Riders meeting to be held at 6:00 pm on Monday March 11th at the Memorial Building.
There being no further business, Vice Commander Diane Burgess adjourned the meeting at 7:27 pm.