Auxiliary Minutes September 2023
The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met September 5, 2023 at 6:30 PM with 5 officers and 4 members present. Unit 19 welcomed back Kathy Jackson, previous member and Debb Boatner visitor. The meeting was called to order by Unit 19 President Debbie Howell and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.
The Program for the month was Music and Gold Star. There was no program presented but, there was good discussion regarding the Unit 19 Gold Star Program. President Debbie Howell volunteered to send the Unit Gold Star members cards. Thanks Debbie!!!
Next month the program will be Education and District Meetings.
Before the minutes were approved several corrections were brought to the attention of Secretary Gail Gilliam, This Secretary reported 3 errors: 1) In the report re Marsha Robinson’s Facebook, it was reported in error as a website. 2) In the Treasurer’s report, it was reported in error as minutes. 3) In the Membership report, it was reported in error as 20 dues not paid instead of 20 being paid. After these being stated and the vow of the Secretary, Gail Gilliam to correct, the minutes were accepted by Judy Morton and seconded by Charlotte Connors as they appear on the Post 19 Website and carried on the floor.
The Financial Report was reported by Treasurer Libby Moss. Charlotte Connors made the motion to accept the report, seconded by Judy Morton to accept Charlotte’s motion and it carried on the floor. Libby made copies of her report for all the members.
Bills for Presentation: There were no bills for presentation.
Americanism: Nothing reported at this time.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $9.00 was collected.
Cavalcade of Memories: Nothing was reported.
Chaplain: Chaplain Judy Morton reported deceased members could always request donations for the Auxiliary in their obituaries.
Children and Youth: Nothing reported.
Community Service: Gail Gilliam reported that she has volunteered to be a docent at Elm Springs every Thursday. Their coffers are quite bare and they have had to turn down many times, visitors tours because they had no docents. Gail encouraged members to please come and visit and support this historical site.
Members are to bring food for Harvest Share. Gail Gilliam is responsible for delivering the food.
Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice and dried pinto beans.
Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia: 1) provide 180 back packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc. 2) every 2nd Thursday from 11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+) 3) every 4th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100 for assistance.
Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing was reported.
Education: Chairman Teresa Lyle was absent for the meeting and there was no report, but asks that members keep on collecting for The 10 for10 Program for the schools.
Marsha Robinson gave Libby Moss her 10 for 10 donations for Libby to take to Teresa as she will be seeing her soon.
Finance: Charlotte Connors as promised checked on information for the Unit selling nuts as a way to finance the Unit. There was favorable discussion re this but it was tabled at this time. Gail Gilliam was to check on selling spring bulbs, she did not.
Girls State: Co Chairman Beth McAdams reported she would like to get in contact with Maury County Schools Counselor re VGS and other Unit 19 programs for students and Americanism.
Gold Star: VA&R Chairman Libby Moss opened discussion on several mothers that could be considered as Gold Star Mothers: Bridgete Lee Hovey Whaley, mother of Jeffrey (Joey) Whaley, recently killed in live fire drill at Camp Pendleton. Also the mother of Andrew Carpenter is not on Unit 19 roster as we thought she should be. Unit 19 is always considerate of these individuals and feels a sincere desire to honor them. Unit 19 gladly pays for their dues to be a member of the Unit to help our Veterans and their families. Thanks Libby for keeping us abreast of GS families!!!
History: Nothing reported.
Junior Activities: Nothing reported.
Leadership: President Debbie reported the 7th District Meeting will be held on October 7 with registration at 11:00 AM at Southgate Church of Christ with Unit 19’s very own Libby Moss (7th District President) organizing. Thanks Libby!!! All planning to attend must RSVP to Libby. Lunch will be $15.00: Poppy seed chicken casserole, Green beans, jello salad, dessert, coffee and tea will be served.
Decorating for the meeting will be after the VA Carnival, when we get back from Murfreesboro. Please come and help!!!
Unit 19 will be attending the York VA Carnival on Friday October 6 and will be leaving at 7:30 AM to travel to Murfreesboro from the north side Kroger shopping mall near the gas pumps. Past President Charlotte asked that members wear red to honor all military that have not come back home. (MIA)
Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report: 1) 8-23-2023 Time for Congress to fix this: accomplishments aren’t much without funding by National Commander Vincent J. Jim Troiola, 2) 8-24-2023 Office of the U.S. Senate, Marsha Blackburn, responding to my email re (AUMF) against Iraq Resolution of 2002. 3) 8-27-2023 from the Office of VA&R: Get the word out about final PACT Act deadline, 4) Office of the U.S. Senate, Bill Haggerty responding to my email re support of NDAA 122 Amendment. 5) 8-30-2023 National Commander: New Coalition opportunity to expand suicide prevention efforts. 6) 9-1-2023 Katherine Ryan, American Legion Legislative Update 9-1-2023. 7) 9-8-2023 The Blackburn Report, Team Blackburn can Help/ re Veteran Services. 8) 9-8-2023 Katherine Ryan, American Legion Legislative Update 9-8-2023. 10) 9-15-2023 Katherine Ryan, American Legion Legislative Update 9-8-2023. 11) 9-18-2023 Urgent: Tell Congress to Support the Veterans Service Recognition Act, 12) 9-18-2023 Conformation of: Tell Congress to Support the Veterans Service Recognition Act. Representative Andy Ogles. 13) 9-20-2023 Daniel J. Seehafer, National Commander: Support our immigrant veterans, 14) Senators plead for improved response to veterans suicides after report reveals hotline failure. Stars and Stripes. 15) 9-22-2023 Katherine Ryan, American Legion Legislative Update, 9-22-2023.
This information was obtained from: and copies are attached to these minutes and place in Unit 19 file cabinet under minutes. Also some information is obtained from “The American Legion Magazine”. Emails from Senators and Representatives, etc. were sent directly to Gail Gilliam.
National Security: Nothing reported.
Membership: Treasurer Libby Moss reported 20 Unit 19 members’ had paid their dues in August and at this time they had been sent into Department. Fifteen more have been paid and she will soon be sending these in as well.
Past Presidents Parley: Unit 19 Member and 7th District President Libby Moss presented Past President Charlotte Connors with a Past President pen for her 2 years of faithful service as Unit 19 President! Thank you Charlotte you have served us well. We appreciate you so much!!!!
Poppy: Unit 19 is still searching for a Poppy Queen.
Public Relations: Marsha Robinson reported she has American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 19, Herbert Griffin, Columbia, Tn up and running. Thank you Marsha, this is great for our Unit!!! Ladies please share what you can, appropriately, for our viewers.
Correspondence: Secretary Gail Gilliam reported a Thank you letter from Operation Stand Down for Unit 19 donating $200.00.
VA&R: There was nothing reported, but please note the Leadership Report as there are a couple of VA&R dates that need to be on your calendar.
Old Business: Nothing reported.
New Business: Nothing reported.
Large Pot: The large pot was missed by Annie Cheek, not being present. Next month it will be $70.00.
The Prayer for Peace was given by Unit 19 Chaplain Judy Morton. President Debbie Howell adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held October 3, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be catered and served at 6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
For God and Country, Gail Gilliam, Unit 19 Secretary.