Auxiliary Minutes March 2023

The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met March 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM with 9 officers (Libby Moss
joined the Unit by telephone as she is still at NHC) and 3 members present. The Unit was happy to have
Angie Howell as visitor and potential member. The meeting was called to order by President Charlotte
Connors and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of Allegiance and
Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.
The Program for the month was Community Service and The American Legion Birthday. Unit 19 thanked
Post 19 by providing a very pretty and very delicious birthday cake. (Many thanks to Judy Morton for
taking care of getting the cake).
The Program for the month of April will be Children and Youth and Foreign Relations.
The Minutes were prepared by Unit 19 Secretary Gail Gilliam and they appear on the Legion website.
Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes as they appear in the website, Marsha Robinson
seconded Judy’s motion and it carried on the floor. Secretary Gail made copies for those members that
do not own computers.
The Financial Report was reported by Beth McAdams (as Treasurer Libby Moss is at NHC in rehab from
her hip/femur break last month. Libby needs your phone calls, cards and visits, please. Her address is:
Libby Moss, NHC Maury Regional, 5010 Trotwood Avenue, Room 1202, Columbia, Tn. 38401. Phone
number: 931-698 3068. Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes, Debbie Howell seconded
Judy’s motion and it carried on the floor.
Bills for Presentation: There was 1 bill for presentation: The Post 19 Birthday cake, $38.42. The check
was made out to Charlie Morton as he picked it up for his wife Judy.
Americanism: Nothing reported.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $6.50 was collected.
Cavalcade of Memories: Nothing was reported.
Chaplain: Chaplain Judy Morton reported she would send cards to members: Libby Moss (NHC) and
Anita Jo Foster (Life care).
Children and Youth: Nothing reported.
Community Service: Joanne Ring reported:

1. March 18 Rotary Club “Shooting for the Stars” to benefit
our local Veterans.

2. March 31 Mule Day Auction to benefit Veterans as well.
Members are to bring food for Harvest Share. Gail Gilliam is responsible for delivering the food.
Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice
and dried pinto beans.

Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia:

1) provide 180 back packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc.

2) every 2nd Thursday from 11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+) 3) every 4th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100 for assistance.
Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing reported.
Education: Chairman Teresa Lyles reported she has been in contact with Highland Park Elementary
School and the Principle had approved the participation of the children in the Americanism Essay
Finance: Nothing reported.
Girls State: Co Chairman Beth McAdams reported she emailed all the schools with information re Girls
State. The girls are registering on online. Beth gave her list to Secretary Gail: CA, Anne Hubbell,
Alternate. Morgan Addison, Alternate. Ally Ballard, Delegate. Emily Diles, Delegate. Central: Addison
Bauer, Alternate, Jenna Parks, Alternate. Ella Duvall, Delegate. Madison Smith, Delegate. Culleoka, Katie
Jones, Delegate. Mt. Pleasant: Addison Howell, Delegate, Abigail Workman, Delegate, Myla Smith,
Alternate. Santa Fe: Bella Clarke, Delegate. Zion: Lexie Augustin, Delegate.
Beth also reported Charlotte Napier was not picked by her school but she would love to go. Charlotte is
Unit 19 member Connie Green’s granddaughter.
Gold Star: Nothing reported.
History: Nothing reported.
Junior Activities: Nothing reported.
Leadership: President Charlotte led discussion re changes in the Standing Rules of the Unit’s
Constitution: 1. Change the wording for the senior dues from $30.00 to $40. 00. Teresa made the motion
to change the wording, Judy seconded her motion and it carried on the floor. 2. The wording for “paying”
for the luncheon will change to “may pay”. This pertains to the outgoing and incoming Department
President at the State level for conventions. Judy made the motion to change the wording, Joanne
seconded her motion and it carried on the floor.
President Charlotte reported to send the end of the year reports to:
Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report:

1. The Action Alert:
“Share the American Legion’s Legislation Priorities Regarding Your Members of Congress”.

2. “Senate
Committee Votes to Repeal Iraq AUMFs.

3. Katie Issacson: The American Legion Update (3-10-2023).
This information was obtained from: and copies are attached to these
minutes and place in Unit 19 file cabinet under minutes. Also some information is obtained from “The American Legion Magazine”. Emails from Senators and Representatives, etc. were sent directly to Gail

National Security: Nothing reported.
Membership: Treasure Libby Moss was absent from the meeting and Beth McAdams represented her in
Membership. Beth reported a list of members that were delinquent in their dues. Several members
volunteered to contact those members to see if they wanted to pay or be removed from the roster.
Past Presidents Parley: Nothing reported.
Poppy: Unit 19 is still searching for a Poppy Queen.
Public Relations: Nothing was reported.
Correspondence: Secretary Gail Gilliam reported: 1. Thank you from The Miracle League of Columbia
for the $150.00 donation. 2. Thank you from VA for the Unit donations of clothing, hygiene items and
entertainment items. 3. Report from Columbia State Community College Foundation re some of the
opportunities for their students and also provided a record of Unit 19 contributions for tax purposes for
January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
VA&R: Judy Morton made the motion to send the USO at Fort Campbell $100.00, Gail Gilliam seconded
her motion and it carried on the floor.
Teresa Lyles reported the Unit presented QOV to 7 Veterans at Puckett’s restaurant at the Vet to Vet
breakfast. The VTV program donated $200.00 to Unit 19 toward their QOV Program.
Member Marsha Robinson volunteered to report the Unit 19 QOV program on the website.
Old Business: Nothing reported.
New Business: President Charlotte reminded the members to be thinking about officers for this year.
Also she reminded everyone to be working on their Year End Report. This was sent to Gail Gilliam to
announce at the meeting.
Also she announced the Middle Tennessee Division Spring Conference is April 15 @ American Legion Post
Large Pot: The large pot was missed by member Sue Patterson not in attendance. Next month it will be
Unit 19 Chaplain Judy gave the Prayer for Peace. President Charlotte adjourned the meeting. The next
meeting will be held March 4, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be catered and served at 6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted

For God and Country, Gail Gilliam, Unit 19 Secretary.