August 2024 Minutes
Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on August 6th, 2024. Commander Diane Burgess called the meeting to order at 6:44pm. There were 32 members present.
Chaplain Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.
READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Steve Metheny read minutes from the July 2nd, 2024, meeting and they were approved as read.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Jeff Parks submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.
Guest Speaker: None
Baseball Report: Donny Walters reported that the Post 19 Cyclones will be playing a tournament in Missouri, if they win, they will be heading to North Carolina for the World Series.
Veterans Services: Service Officer Dan Pullen was not present.
MEMBERSHIP: Adjutant Steven Metheny gave the membership report. Post 19 membership quota for 2025 is 388, 162 have paid, still need 226, the post stands at 56%.
SICK CALL:Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall, Wayne Roberts, Archie Steen Jr. and Larry Jones, Oscar Crouch, Ray Dye and Jimmy Rogers, Bill Ray, George Jones. Charles Dilahay, Calvin Cheek & Danny Staggs, Art Ankrum and Roger Chapman were added.
FLAGS FOLDED: July: 2nd Arnold Fox; 19th J.B. Long; 20th Kenneth Chirpich; 22nd Max Westmoreland
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Yve Bowshire handed out brochures for the American Legion Post 19 Junior Cadence Team. The brochures and letters will be sent out to local schools, for the upcoming Veterans Day Parade.
NEW BUSINESS: Gary Fisher requested that an annual Fiscal Report be addressed to the membership.
GOOD FOR THE LEGION: Kim Smith asked about setting up a tent at the upcoming County Fair to recruit new members.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Charlie Morton Announced that the Elks Club will be selling tickets to the Columbia
Smoke-Off. Tickets are $20.00 which includes a meal from each participant, live music, Soda’s and Water.
All proceeds will be going to the “Wreaths Across American.”
Commander Burgess read a letter from Veterans with Pets which helps Veterans taking care of companion pets. A motion was made to donate $100.00 to the program. The motion was seconded. After a discussion and found that the non-profit was in Ohio. A vote was taken, and the motion was denied by the majority of the membership.
There being no further business, Commander Diane Burgess adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.