August 2021 Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on August 3rd, 2021. 1st Vice Commander, Gene McShane called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. There were 30 members present.

In the absence of Chaplain Eddie Rogers, Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.

READING OF THE MINUTES: Bob Stephenson read the minutes from July 2021 meeting and they were approved as read.  

FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.

NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS: We had 2 new members and a guest speaker, JennaLynn Drake from State Farm,.


Veterans Services: Cory Cummings: Not present

Cub Scout Report: Pam Minnehan: Pam gave an update on events that the Cub Scouts were involved in.

HALL MANAGER: The club had $20.00 in beverage sales prior to the meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: Donny Walters gave the membership report. He also noted that we have several (PUFL), Paid Up For Life Members.

SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall,

 Donald Taylor, Frank McBride, and Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Lee, Archie Steen Jr., Larry Jones, and Eddie Rogers.


FLAGS FOLDED for: Jimmy Grimitt on July 9th., Steven Nelson on July 16th., and Wayne Hall on July 19th.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Chaplain Eddie Rogers and his wife, Mary originally planned to provide a meal for the August meeting. Chaplain Rogers health prevented them from hosting the meal in spite of their good intentions. Roger Gilliam gave the pros and cons of having the meals catered.

One suggestion for future meetings was to have a food truck available for those who would like to have a meal before the meeting. No decisions were made at this point.

NEW BUSINESS:  State Farm is requesting a partnership with veteran organizations, with discounts of those who mention their association in their respective organizations when applying for insurance. Commander Eddie Ables can review the request upon his return. He was not present at the August meeting. Bob Stephenson has the information packet on this topic.

Donnie Walters reported on the games to be held for our teams.


Bob Stephenson and Charlie Morton announced the date for the Ron Anderson Memorial Ride and that the proceeds

Would go to Chapter 19 Rider