April 2022 Minutes
Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on April 5th, 2022. Commander Eddie Ables called the meeting to order at 6:43 pm. There were 35 members present.
Chaplain Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.
READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Metheny read the minutes from March 1st, 2022 meeting and were approved as read.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.
NEW MEMBER OR GUEST: Logan Killen (USMC), Dillon Lee (USMC), Scott Benton (USA), Caleb Bayless who is running for 22nd District Judge.
Baseball Report: None
Veterans Services: Roger Gilliam: Nothing to Report.
Cub Scout Report: Pam Minnehan: Nothing to Report.
MEMBERSHIP: Adjutant Steve Metheny gave the membership report. Our new quota for 2022 is 460 members. 386 have paid. We still need 74 and we stand at 84%
Make sure you have paid your dues for 2022 they are $50.00.
They can be paid either on-line, by mail or here at the post with Adjutant Metheny. New membership begins July 1st.
SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall,
Donald Taylor, Frank McBride, and Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Lee, Archie Steen Jr. and Larry Jones and Larry Watts.
POST EVERLASTING: 3/14/22 Albert Rochell, 4/2/22 Dennis Wagonschutz.
FLAGS FOLDED: 03/4/22 Leslie Holcomb, 3/7/22 Paul Thrasher, 3/19/22 Billy Tanner
UNFINISHED BUSINES: 2 trailers were purchased for $550.00
A sign for the front of the Memorial Building will be placed below the Rotary Sign when finished.
Mule Day auctioneer contest presented a check to Post 19 for the amount of $2067.00 for the items donated by the Post for the contest.
After a closer look at the facilities at the Memorial Building for the ham breakfast fund raiser held by the Post may have to foresee the ham breakfast for the future.
Nominations for 2022 & 2023 Post Positions were made
Commander: Gene McShane
1st Vice Commander: Roger Chapman
2nd Vice Commander: Diane Burgess
3rd Vice Commander: Mike Nelander
Service Officer: Darlene Barker
Adjutant: Steven Metheny
Finance Officer: Donny Walters
Judge Advocate: Calvin Cheek
Chaplain: Kim Smith
Sgt at Arms: David Wade & Charles McDonald
Historian: Robert Stephenson
NEW BUSINESS: Motion was made to purchase a Banner for the Post Legion & Auxiliary to be hung for our meetings, motion was seconded and carried.
Certificates of continuous membership: Frank McBride Jr- 70 years, James Brooks