September 2021 Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on September 7th, 2021.  Commander Eddie Ables called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. There were 28 members present.

In the absence of Chaplain Eddie Rogers, Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.

READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Metheny read the minutes from August 3rd, 2021 meeting and they were approved as read.  

FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.

NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS:  Bob Crigger of the Columbia, Parks and Recreation addressed the membership on the upcoming Veterans Day Program Recreation to honor our local veterans by creating a space for them to display their pictures and a description of how they served, whether during wartime or peace time. This will be a three-day event held at the Macedonia Recreation Center, 501 Armstrong Street in Columbia November 8-11th.

                 COMMITTEE REPORTS

Veterans Services: Roger Gilliam: Nothing to Report.

Cub Scout Report: Pam Minnehan: Pam reported the Scouts Popcorn sales is underway, they will be located at Lowes on
