June 2021 Minutes
Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on June 1st, 2021. Commander Terry Locke called the meeting to order at 6:18. There were 31 members present.
Chaplain Eddie Rogers offered the opening prayer.
READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Metheny read the minutes from May 4th, 2021 meeting and were approved as read.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.
NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Craig (U.S. A.) & Fran (U.S.A.F.) Dean
Veterans Services: Cory Cummings: Not present
Cub Scout Report: Pam Minnehan: Not present
HALL MANAGER: Diane Burgess reported the American Red Cross used the hall twice in May collecting a total of 35 pints of blood. Merchants of Cool will start back on September 11th.
MEMBERSHIP: Donny Walters gave the membership report. Our new quota for 2021 is 515 members, 434 have paid.
We still need 81 and we stand at approximately 84%.
Make sure you have paid your dues. They are $50.00 for 2021.
They can be paid either on-line, by mail, or here at the Post. Our new membership year began July 1st.
SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall, Bobby Harris, Donald Taylor, Frank McBride, and Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Lee, Jack Stanfill, Archie Steen Jr.
POST EVERLASTING: 5/10/21 Roy Kenneth Cathey, 5/21/21 James Hardison, Jack Houser Stanfill
FLAGS FOLDED: 5/4/21 Donald White, 5/21/21 Jerry Russell, 5/25/21 Charles Kelley
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Roger Gilliam announced that the website was back up and running but requested assistance from anyone who as proficient in using the WordPress web builder. Craig Dean volunteered to assist.
NEW BUSINESS: Donnie Walters reported that the American Legion Baseball will have its first game on 6/12/21 and a tournament will be held 7/1/21, also stated that 9 of the 18 players have scholarships to Jr. Colleges.
Post 19 sponsored 8 people from various local High Schools for Boys State.
Chaplain Eddie Rogers made a motion to start a committee to bring back meals prior to the meetings. Motion was seconded and passed with a majority vote.
Elections for Post 19 Officers for 2021