July 2024 Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on July 2nd, 2024.  Commander Roger Chapman called the meeting to order at 6:42pm.  There were 36 members present.

 Chaplain Kim Smith offered the opening prayer. 

READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Steve Metheny read minutes from the June 4th, 2024, meeting and they were approved as read.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.  

NEW MEMBER OR GUEST: Department Commander John Davis and Shawn Ponds from Columbia Youth Athletic Association. 

Guest Speaker: Department Commander Davis stated that the Commanders tour will begin shortly and will present his plan for the Department at that time.  His logo for the Department will be “TLC.” T stands for Training; the membership needs training to fully understand the scope of the American Legion.  L stands for Listening; the membership needs to listen to the needs of their community.  C stands for cooperation; each Post needs to cooperate with surrounding Posts and Divisions.  As a unit we can accomplish more. 

Shawn Ponds represented the Columbia Youth Athletic Association; an organization that represents Football and Cheer programs within Maury County.  Providing activities for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years of age. 

A motion was made to donate $500.00 to the program; motion was seconded, no discussion, approved by unanimous vote.


Baseball Report: Donny Walters reported that the Post 19 Cyclones are doing well this year and have been involved in 4 tournaments so far.  Next tournament to be held in Pulaski July 13th weekend.

 Veterans Services: Service Officer Jeff Parks had nothing to report.

MEMBERSHIP: Adjutant Steven Metheny gave the membership report.  Post 19 membership quota for 2024 is 410, 366 have paid, still need 44, the post stands at 89%.   

SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall, Wayne Roberts, Archie Steen Jr. and Larry Jones, Oscar Crouch, Ray Dye and Jimmy Rogers, Bill Ray, George Jones.

Charles Dilahay, Calvin Cheek & Danny Staggs

POST EVERLASTING: June 18th Long time member James Parrish

FLAGS FOLDED: June 3rd Joe Newton; June 22nd William Whittaker; June 28th Randell Webster

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Past Commander Gene McShane made nomination for Rebecca Johnston for the vacant position of 3rd Vice Commander, no other nominations were made,  vote was taken and by unanimous decision was voted in.  

Department Commander John Davis Sworn in Officers for 2024-2025

Post Commander Diane Burgess  

2nd Vice Commander Jennifer Hoover 

3rd Vice Commander Rebecca Johnston

Finance Officer Jeff Parks 

Adjutant Steve Metheny 

Post Chaplain Kim Smith 

Sgt at Arms David Wade

Post Historian Bob Stephenson

Past Commander Roger Chapman handed the gavel Commander Diane Burgess to resume the meeting

Yve Bowshier volunteered to spearhead a Post 19 Veterans Day Parade is looking for volunteers to help with gathering the kids and teaching them to drill for the parade. 



There being no further business, Commander Diane Burgess adjourned the meeting at 7:46 pm.