January 2022 Minutes

Herbert Griffin American Legion Post 19 met on January 4th, 2022.  Commander Eddie Ables called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  There were 32 members present.

 Chaplain Kim Smith offered the opening prayer.

READING OF THE MINUTES: Adjutant Metheny read the minutes from December 7th, 2021, meeting and they were approved as read.  

FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Officer Donny Walters submitted the financial report, and it was made part of these minutes by attachment.  

NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Tom Downy, Margaret Stratton -Poland and her husband just moved from Big Bear Lake CA.

                COMMITTEE REPORTS

Baseball Report: Donny Walters reported that there will be a team this year.  The season will not start until after the high school baseball season has ended.   Donny Walters also gave a short history of Columbia