Auxiliary Minutes September 2024
Unit 19 September 2024 Minutes
The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met September 3, 2024 at
6:30 PM with 6 officers and 1 member present. The meeting was
conducted by Vice President Charlotte Conners as President Debbie
Howell was absent.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Preamble to the
American Legion Auxiliary were recited. We did not sing. The opening
prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Teresa Lyle.
The roll call of officers was given by Unit 19 Secretary Gail Gilliam.
The minutes were prepared and read by Secretary Gail Gilliam as they
were not presented on the Post 19 website. The motion to accept the
minutes as read was made by Judy Morton and seconded by Jolene
Thompson and carried on the floor.
Finance: The finance report was given by Unit 19 Treasurer Libby Moss. A
motion to accept the report was made by Judy Morton, seconded by Teresa
Lyle and it carried the floor. Libby reported that Post 19 presented Unit 19
with a check for $35,000.
Charlotte Connors opened discussion regarding placing the $35,000 in a
money market account. Teresa Lyle made the motion to do so, it was
seconded by Libby Moss and it carried the floor.
Bills for Presentation: Jolene Thompson spent $114.97 on back scratchers
for the York Carnival Day. Libby had remembered that Jolene had already
been paid for this.
Education: Chair Teresa Lyle will be going to the Columbia Academy and
Spring Hill K-4 and present programs on flag etiquette and proper Pledge
to the American Flag.
Chaplin: Chair Teresa Lyle sent a sympathy card to Suzanne Estis,
daughter of Bonnie Alderson who passed.
Gold Star: Chair Debbie Howell will send cards this month to honor Unit 19
Gold Star members as this is Gold Star month.
VAVR: Chair Libby Moss reminded members of the York Carnival on Friday
October 18th . Also, the Veterans Day Parade in Columbia on November 11.
Libby also reported at Vet-to-Vet November 9, Friday there will be a QOV
New Business: In the absence of President Howell, Charlotte Connors
reported Divisional District Meeting:
- October 12th Middle TN @ Whitehouse Post 206 at 11:00 AM
- October 12th East TN @ Rogersville
- October 26th West TN @ TBD
The November meeting will be to celebrate the American Legion Auxiliary
There will be no dinner served at the October meeting.
Libby received a thank you card for the QOV presentation at the Senior
Citizen Center.
Judy Morton reported that the Elks Lodge will have breakfast for Veterans
on Veteran Day.
The Auxiliary Emergency Fund collected $8.00.
Chaplain Teresa Lyle gave the closing prayer.
The meeting was closed by Vice President Charlotte Conner.
Next meeting will be October 1, 2024, with dinner at 6:00 PM and meeting
to follow.
For God and County,
Unit 19 Secretary
Gail Gilliam