Auxiliary Minutes July 2023

The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met July 5, 2023 at 6:30 PM with 5 officers and 3 members present. Unit 19 was very happy to welcome Katherine Nicholson as a new member. Member Libby Moss was responsible for recruiting Katherine. Way to go Libby. The meeting was called to order by Unit 19 President Debbie Howell and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.

Past President Charlotte Connors installed Libby Moss as District 7 President. Way to go Libby! We are proud of you at Unit 19!!!

The Program for the month was Independence Day. There was no program presented but Member Joanne Ring decorated the River Walk as historically she does. Way to go Joanne and Unit 19 thanks you.

The Minutes prepared by Secretary Gail Gilliam did Not appear on the Legion website (reason not known but they may have been sent at the wrong time for the Legion website manager to get this done???). There was a motion by Marsha Robinson to amend the motion by Beth McAdams and seconded by Judy Morton to accept the minutes as they appear on the Legion website, this motion was seconded by Charlotte Connors and carried on the floor.

The Financial Report was reported by Treasurer Libby Moss. Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes, Beth McAdams seconded Judy’s motion and it carried on the floor. Libby made copies of her report for all the members. At this time Libby passed AEF pins to members that were to receive them. (These pins were in Libby’s stash and she did not remember the year they were mailed to her, but nice to receive any way) Thanks Libby!

Bills for Presentation: There were no bills for presentation.


Americanism: Judy Morton reported several funeral homes will now cremate the Veterans American Flag with the Veteran at the time of cremation. Also the Columbia Fire Department, down town, has a Flag disposal site for flags that are no longer serviceable.

Judy Morton reported that members had attended the Flag Retirement Service for unserviceable flags presented by the Boy Scouts of Columbia. Judy told the Unit about how very professional and honorable these boy scouts (12 boys) perform this sacred duty. Thank you Judy, we should all be attending this event.

Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $10.00 was collected and counted by Beth McAdams.

Cavalcade of Memories: Nothing was reported.

Chaplain: Chaplain Judy Morton had nothing to report.

Children and Youth: Nothing reported.

Community Service:

Members are to bring food for Harvest Share. Gail Gilliam is responsible for delivering the food.

Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice and dried pinto beans.

Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia:
1) provide 180 back packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc.
2) every 2nd Thursday from 11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+)
3) every 4th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100 for assistance.

Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing was reported.

Education: Member Beth McAdams reported our Unit should start collecting for 10 for 10 for our schools starting with Glue Sticks. Thanks Beth.

Finance: Nothing reported.

Girls State: Member Beth McAdams reported she would like to invite our VGS girls to one of our meetings soon. This would be very nice. Way to go Beth!

Gold Star: Nothing reported.

History: Nothing reported.

Junior Activities: Nothing reported.

Leadership: Past President Charlotte reported the Department Leadership meeting will be held at Post 88, August 19.

Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report: 1. (7-5-2023) 50,000 disabled Veterans need your support. Article by Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola (National Commander AL) this is the Major Richard Star Act. 2. (7-7-2023) The American Legion Legislative Update. 3. (7-12-2023) Time for the Senate to act: drop the hold on promotions… article by Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola National Commander AL 4.( 7-13-2023) Navy secretary signs ordering mandatory mental health care confidential evaluations, article by Kelly Agee/Stars and Stripes. 5. 7-18-2023 Urgent: Senate vote this week on disabled Veterans re. The Major Richard Star Act/Amendment #142 to the NDAA, TAKE ACTION NOW. Your Unit 19 Legislative Chairman acted immediately on this Legislation by contacting Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty (7-18-2023).

This information was obtained from: and copies are attached to these minutes and place in Unit 19 file cabinet under minutes. Also some information is obtained from “The American Legion Magazine”. Emails from Senators and Representatives, etc. were sent directly to Gail Gilliam.

National Security: Nothing reported.

Membership: Chairman Beth McAdams at present Unit 19 has 136 senior and 14 junior members. In August she will be taking renewals: $40.00 for seniors and $10.00 for juniors.

Past Presidents Parley: Nothing reported.

Poppy: Unit 19 is still searching for a Poppy Queen.

Public Relations: Marsha Robinson is working on the Unit 19 web page. It will be ready soon as she is perfecting her efforts. Thank you so much Marsha for volunteering to do this for our Unit.

Correspondence: There were 2 pieces of correspondence to report:
1) a thank you card from CSCC for our $500.00 donation to the Unit 19 American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship.
2) a thank you card from USO for our $100.00 donation.

VA&R: Chairman Libby Moss reported there is an Operation Stand Down office in Columbia now. Some of the things that they do: Veteran Counseling, Work with the Local VA Clinic and the Maury County Veterans Service Office. They also will accept handicap equipment that can be passed on to Veterans.

Unit members were so happy to learn of this because it will present more ways to help and support our local Veterans. Judy Morton made the motion to donate $200.00 to Columbia’s OSD, Beth McAdams seconded Judy’s motion and it passed on the floor. Thanks Libby for this wonderful news.

Libby also reported she had taken 4 dozen toiletry bags to the VA Clinic in June. Way to go Libby!!

Old Business: Nothing reported.

New Business: Beth McAdams reported on the Awards that were presented to Unit 19 at the Department Awards Luncheon: 10 first place, Children and Youth, Child Welfare, Community Service, Constitution and Bylaws, Finance, History, Leadership, Music, Public Relations and VA&R. 9 second place, AEF, Cavalcade of Memories, Girls State, Gold Star, Legislative, Membership, National Security, Past President Parley and Poppy. 1 third place, Education. Unit 19 did very well. Congratulations to all those hard working Chairmen!!!

Large Pot: The large pot was not drawn because it was not there to draw. Next month it will be $60.00.

The Prayer for Peace was given by Unit 19 Chaplain Judy Morton. President Debbie Howell adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held August 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be catered and served at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

For God and Country, Gail Gilliam, Unit 19 Secretary.