Auxiliary Minutes July 2022

The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met July 5, 2022 at 6:30 PM with 5 officers and 1 member present. The meeting was called to order by President Charlotte Connors and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.
The Program for the month was Independence Day. There was no program presented. Next month it will be Leadership.
The minutes prepared by Unit 19 Secretary Gail Gilliam were not voted on as the Legion website is still not up and running and Gail is still not able to copy the minutes on her home copier.
The Financial Report was prepared by Unit 19 Treasurer Libby Moss. Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes. Beth McAdams seconded her motion and it passed on the floor. Libby made copies
for the members. Beth McAdams did the audit on the Treasury reports for Unit 19. There were two insignificant errors made by Unit 19 and the bank. Both were corrected and all is well. Thank you Beth!!!
Bills for Presentation: There were no bills presented for presentation.
Americanism: Member Gail Gilliam was present to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the bridge dedication on the Bear Creek Pike, Highway 412, honoring Vietnam Veteran Gene Hargrove who was killed in combat. A copy of the program is attached to these minutes.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $9.00 was collected.
Cavalcade of Memories: Beth McAdams was kind enough to deliver some of Unit 19 records to the Maury County Archives: Scrapbooks 1991-2018, History books 1920-Present and Certificates 1940- Present. Thank you Beth!!!
Chaplain: Chaplin Judy Morton reported member Catherine Bolton was now under Hospice care.
Children and Youth: Nothing reported.
Community Service: Nothing reported but, Gail Gilliam suggested members bring non perishable foods for Harvest Share as they are begging for food to hand out to the less fortunate. This has been a huge need as our economy has skyrocketed. Gail agreed to deliver those items.
Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice and dried pinto beans.
Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia: 1) provide 180 back packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc. 2) every 2nd Thursday from 11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+) 3) every 4th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100 for assistance.

Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing reported.
Education: Nothing reported.
Finance: Nothing reported.
Girls State: Treasurer Libby Moss reported she had sent $7000.00 to the Department VGS to pay for 14 girls that attended. Libby also reported the balance on the Jeanie Grace Southhall Trust was $5922.56.

Gold Star: Nothing reported.
History: Nothing reported.
Junior Activities: Nothing reported.
Leadership: President Charlotte reported again the 100 year Celebration of the ALA will be a Ball at the Marriott in Franklin. The tickets will be $50.00 each. Dress will be 1920 vintage.
President Charlotte reported 15 first place and 3 second place winners from Unit 19 at the convention. Charlotte also reported the National AL and ALA Convention will be August 27-September 1 and the annual ALA Leadership Meeting will be August 13 at Post 88.
Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report:

1.Military women say DoD reproductive health care far from