Auxiliary Minutes August 2024
Unit 19 August 2024 Minutes
The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met August 6, 2024 at 6:30
PM with 6 officers, 2 members and 1 visitor (Audrey Owens) present.
The meeting was conducted by Charlotte Conners as Unit 19 President
Debbie Howell was not in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance to the
American Flag and the Preamble to the American Legion Auxiliary were
recited. We did not sing. The opening prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin
Teresa Lyle.
The roll call of officers was given by Unit 19 Secretary Gail Gilliam.
The minutes were prepared and read by Secretary Gail Gilliam as they
were not presented on the Post 19 website. The motion to accept the
minutes as read was made by Libby Moss and seconded by Judy Morton
and carried on the floor.
Finance: The finance report was given by Unit 19 Treasurer Libby Moss. A
motion to accept the report was made by Judy Morton, seconded by Beth
McAdams and carried the floor. Beth McAdams made a motion to move
$500.00 from the General Fund to the Veterans Fund to cover QOV
expenses. Teresa Lyle seconded the motion and it carried the floor.
AFE: $10.00 was collected.
VGS: Chair Beth McAdams introduced Audrey Owen to give her
experience at VGS this May. Audrey reported that lots of wonderful things
happened while she was there.
- How much fun she had.
- How easy it was to make connections with the new girls.
- Her roommate was Annabelle Demastus from Culleoka.
- She had the opportunity to be a Christian Witness.
- She learned many things regarding how our government works.
She was very impressed with this. - How important voting is.
- She was voted “Best Citizen of the City”.
- She said that going to VGS was the most amazing experience of
her life. - She thanked our group many times
Judy Morton talked with the Elks Lodge about sponsoring a girl. Jolene
Thompson is working with the FOP to sponsor a girl as well.
Children/Youth: Chair Teresa Lyle reported that our unit collected 5 more
boxes of cereal and they will be donated to the Family Center. The rest of
the food that has been collected will go to the Maury County Veterans
Education: Chair Teresa Lyle has contacted the Spring Hill Headmaster
regarding presenting a program of American Flag Etiquette. Way to go
Membership: Chair Beth McAdams reported our goal is 137 members. The
theme this year is “Show your Sparkles for Membership and Be a Shining
Star”. Beth has membership cards for anyone paying their dues.
She will be sending the first transmittal tonight with 25 members renewed.
The Unit will pay for Gold Star (6) and shut-in (6) members. Beth asked
members present who would like to go with her to deliver them. Several
members said they would.
Chaplain: Chair Teresa Lyle had a discussion about cards to members.
- Post 19 member Arthur Ankrum. Family members include
Grandchildren Katherine and Meredith. - Bonnie Alderson passed.
- Suzanne Estes – Needs sympathy.
VAVR: Chair Libby Moss reported:
- Carnival (Veterans Fall Festival) Friday October 18th from 9:00 AM
until 2:00 PM. Volunteers needed. - August 20th – 3 QOV will be presented to 3 brothers at the Maury
County Senior Citizens Center at 9:30 AM.
Leadership: Unit 19 Vice President Charlotte Connors reported that she
has taken care of the 990 N file and the corporate file.
Large Jackpot was missed by Gail Secrest by not being present. Next
month will be $100.00.
Chaplain Teresa Lyle gave the closing prayer.
The meeting was closed by Vice President Charlotte Conner.
Next meeting will be September 3, 2024 with dinner at 6:00 PM and
meeting to follow.
For God and County,
Unit 19 Secretary
Gail Gilliam