Auxiliary May 2023 Minutes

The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met May 2, 2023 at 6:30 PM with 6 officers (Libby Moss
joined the Unit by telephone as she is still at NHC) and 3 members present. Unit 19 member Eleanor
White was welcomed back as she has been away for some time. The meeting was called to order by Unit
19 President Charlotte Connors and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of
Allegiance and Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.
The Program for the month was Poppy, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day and Election and Installation
of Officers. There was no program presented.
The Minutes were prepared by Unit 19 Secretary Gail Gilliam and they appear on the Legion website.
Beth McAdams made the motion to accept the minutes as they appear in the website, Judy Morton
seconded Beth’s motion and it carried on the floor. Secretary Gail was not able to print copies for those
members that do not own computers as her printer is on the fritz.
The Financial Report was reported by Beth McAdams (as Treasurer Libby Moss is at NHC in rehab from
her hip/femur break last month. Libby needs your phone calls, cards and visits, please. Her address is:
Libby Moss, NHC Maury Regional, 5010 Trotwood Avenue, Room 1202, Columbia, Tn. 38401. Phone
number: 931-698- 3068. Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes, Edie Owston seconded
Debbie’s motion and it carried on the floor. Beth made copies of her report for all the members.
Bills for Presentation: There were no bills for presentation..
Americanism: Member Gail Gilliam reported that those Auxiliary members that are able will meet Post
19 members at Rose Hill Cemetery May 25 at 6:00 PM, Thursday, to create the Field of Flags that they
historically do to honor Veterans. The following Thursday, June 1, at the same time the flags will be
removed from the Cemetery.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $8.95 was collected.
Cavalcade of Memories: Nothing was reported.
Chaplain: Chaplain Judy Morton reported 7 Unit 19 members had passed this year: Catherine Bolton,
Mamie Burgess, Nancy Coglan, Dorthe Horne, Ollie Minor, Ella Sanders and Clara wells.
Children and Youth: Nothing reported.
Community Service: Joanne Ring reported the Rotary Breakfast Club will honor Memorial Day by having
a Poppy Program and a Flag Folding demonstration.
Joanne will decorate the River Walk in Red, White and Blue and American Flags for Memorial Day
Weekend. Way to go Joanne!

Members are to bring food for Harvest Share. Gail Gilliam is responsible for delivering the food.

Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice
and dried pinto beans.
Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia: 1) provide 180 back
packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc. 2) every 2 nd Thursday from
11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+) 3) every 4 th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a
serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100
for assistance.
Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing was reported.
Education: Chairman Teresa Lyles reported she would be taking care of “Teacher Appreciation Week”
and also the “Teacher of the Year Award” which will go to Lorie Napier ($50.00 donated to the school
Library in her honor and also a nice certificate to Lorie that Charlotte will create and Judy will print). Any
monies that Teresa will spend will be reimbursed by the Unit.
Teresa also reported sadly there were no essays turned in for the Americanism Essay Contest. Next year
she will try to get the information out earlier to the schools.
Finance: Nothing reported.
Girls State: Co Chairman Joanne Ring reported she had sent 14 requests for sponsorship of the VGS
Co Chairman Beth McAdams reported the names of the 14 girls from Maury County that will be
attending Volunteer Girls State this year: Zion, Hannah Albert and Lexie Augustin, Hampshire, Jade
Arnold, Santa Fe, Bella Clark, CHS, Charlotte Napier (Unit 19 Jr. Auxiliary), Ella Duvall and Madison Smith,
CA, Elizabeth Gaines and Sarah Hight, Mt. Pleasant: Addison Howell, Ayanna Jones, Myla Lindsey and
Abigail Workman, Spring Hill, Jessie Xonthia and Callie Tuck, Culleoka, Karlie Jones.
Post 19 has donated $2500.00 to sponsor 5 delegates. This is sooo wonderful. Thank you Post 19.
Girls State Co. Chairman Joanne Ring reported she had turned in all of her reports.
Gold Star: Nothing reported.
History: Nothing reported.
Junior Activities: Nothing reported.
Leadership: President Charlotte reported Unit 19 list of Officers: President-Debbie Howell. Vice
President-Joanne Ring, Treasurer-Libby Moss, Secretary-Gail Gilliam, Chaplain-Judy Morton, Historian-
Charlotte Connors, Membership-Beth McAdams and Sgt-at-Arms-Teresa Lyles. Edie Owston made the
motion to accept the slate of Officers, Teresa Lyles seconded her motion and it carried on the floor.
President Charlotte will send in the slate of Unit 19 Officers to the Department.

President Charlotte reported the ALA Convention will be held at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro
June 17-18. Fee for the Awards Luncheon will be $43.00.
The VGS Luncheon will be held on May 30 at a cost of $35.00 at David Lipscomb College.
Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report: 1. Katie Isaacson:
American Legion Legislative Update (4-14-2023). 2. Katie Isaacson: American Legion Legislative Update
(4-21-2023). 3. The American Legion Advocacy Alert: Action Alert: Support needed this Week on
Veterans Caregivers (4-26-2023). 4. Grassroots @ Conformation of: Tell Congress to Support
our Veterans Caregivers. (Blackburn and Hagerty) (4-27-2023). 5. The Blackburn Report: Honoring a
Heroic Tennessee (4-28-2023). 6. Katie Isaacson: American Legion Legislation Update (4-28-2023). 7.
Legion Praises bill to extend COVID-driven Assistance (5-4-2023). 8. Katie Isaacson: The American Legion
Legislative Update (5-5-2023). 9. Office of the U.S. Senate: Bill Hagerty, Re: Please vote yes on the
Veterans Program Improvement Act. (5-8-2023). 10. Katie Isaacson: American Legion Legislative Update
(5-15-2023). 11. The American Legion: Remembering WWII Veterans, honoring today’s service
members. (5-19-2023). 12. The Blackburn Report: Backing the Blue during National Police Week. (5-19-
2023). 13. Katie Isaacson: American Legion Legislation Update (5-20-2023).
This information was obtained from: and copies are attached to these
minutes and place in Unit 19 file cabinet under minutes. Also some information is obtained from “The
American Legion Magazine”. Emails from Senators and Representatives, etc. were sent directly to Gail
Legislative Chairman Gail Gilliam also reported she had turned in her End of Year Report.

National Security: Nothing reported.
Membership: Beth McAdams has graciously accepted the Chairmanship of Membership. Way to go
Our Unit 19 Goal is presently: 161. We need 27 members to pay their dues to reach that goal.
President Charlotte brought the Unit up to date on the new totals for the 3 bodies of Units:
100+ members (large)
50-99 members (medium)
10-49 members (small)
Past Presidents Parley: Nothing reported.
Poppy: Unit 19 is still searching for a Poppy Queen.

Joanne Ring will present an informational program on the ALA Poppy Program at the Breakfast Rotary
Meeting to honor Memorial Day. Way to go Joanne!
There will also be a Flag folding ceremony.
Public Relations: Marsha Robinson is working on the Unit 19 web page. It will be ready soon as she is
perfecting her efforts. Thank you so much Marsha for volunteering to do this for our Unit.
Correspondence: There was no correspondence to report.
VA&R: Chairman Libby Moss was absent as she is still in rehab.
Old Business: Nothing reported.
New Business: President Charlotte reported the signatures on the Unit 19 bank account needed to be
updated. The Unit will keep Joanne and Libby’s signatures and Beth McAdams signature will be added
as she has accepted the new office of Membership. Judy Morton made the motion to add Beth’s
signature, Teresa Lyles seconded her motion and it carried on the floor.
Large Pot: The large pot was missed by member Joan Aydelote, not in attendance. Next month it will be
The Prayer for Peace was given by Unit 19 Chaplain Judy Morton. President Charlotte adjourned the
meeting. The next meeting will be held June 6, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be catered and served at
6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
For God and Country, Gail Gilliam, Unit 19 Secretary.