Auxiliary August, 2023 Minutes
The Herbert Griffin American Legion Auxiliary met August 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM with 6 officers and 2 members present. The meeting was called to order by Unit 19 President Debbie Howell and the prayer was given by Unit 19 Chaplin Judy Morton. The Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble were recited by all members. We did not sing.
The Program for the month was Leadership. There was no program presented.
The Minutes prepared by Secretary Gail Gilliam were posted on the Legion website (the minutes from June were also posted as they were not previously). There was a motion by Judy Morton to except the minutes, seconded by Edie Owston and carried on the floor.
The Financial Report was reported by Treasurer Libby Moss. Judy Morton made the motion to accept the minutes, Teresa Lyle seconded Judy’s motion and it carried on the floor. Libby made copies of her report for all the members.
Bills for Presentation: There were no bills for presentation.
Americanism: Nothing reported at this time.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund: $5.00 was collected.
Cavalcade of Memories: Nothing was reported.
Chaplain: Chaplain Judy Morton reported deceased members could always request donations for the Auxiliary in their obituaries.
Children and Youth: Nothing reported.
Community Service: Gail Gilliam reported that she has volunteered to be a docent at Elm Springs every Thursday. Their coffers are quite bare and they have had to turn down many times, visitors tours because they had no docents. Gail encouraged members to please come and visit and support this historical site.
Members are to bring food for Harvest Share. Gail Gilliam is responsible for delivering the food.
Harvest Share suggested bringing: tuna and tuna helper, pasta and pasta sauces, romaine noodles, rice and dried pinto beans.
Gail Gilliam reported on the programs that Harvest Share services for Columbia: 1) provide 180 back packs a month to elementary schools that are not helped by churches, etc. 2) every 2nd Thursday from 11:00-12:00 is Senior Day (68+) 3) every 4th Thursday from 11:30-12:30 is Medical Day ( those with a serious long term illness). There are stipulations for these programs. Please call Donna at 931-446-6100 for assistance.
Constitution and By-Laws: Nothing was reported.
Education: Chairman Teresa Lyle asks that members keep on collecting for The 10 for10 Program for the schools. Teresa Reported she took 3 cookie trays to Culleoka School for Teacher Appreciation Week. Way to go Teresa!!!
Finance: There was discussion regarding the low balance in the Unit 19 General Fund ($202.43). Ways to have fund raisers were discussed and it was decided Charlotte Connors would check on selling pecans and Gail Gilliam would research selling spring bulbs.
Girls State: Nothing was reported at this time.
Gold Star: Nothing reported.
History: Nothing reported.
Junior Activities: Nothing reported.
Leadership: Past President Charlotte reported the Department Leadership meeting will be held at Post 88, Donelson, on August 19. Lunch will be $12.00. RSVP: August 15.
Legislation: Chairman Gail Gilliam had several pieces of AL Legislation to report: 1) 8-3-2023, Office of Marsha Blackburn re Support of NDAA Amendment 142. 2) 8-4-2023, John Kamin, the American Legion Legislative Update (7-28-2023). 3) 8-7-2023, Anniversary of PACT Act signing coming up. American Legion Military families on edge of poverty. 4) 8-11-2023, American Legion Legislative Update, 8-11-2023. 5) 8-18-2023, American Legion Legislative Update (8-18-2023).
This information was obtained from: and copies are attached to these minutes and place in Unit 19 file cabinet under minutes. Also some information is obtained from “The American Legion Magazine”. Emails from Senators and Representatives, etc. were sent directly to Gail Gilliam.
National Security: Nothing reported.
Membership: Treasurer Libby Moss reported 20 Unit 19 members’ had not paid their dues at this time.
Past Presidents Parley: Nothing reported.
Poppy: Unit 19 is still searching for a Poppy Queen.
Public Relations: Marsha Robinson is working on the Unit 19 web page. It will be ready soon as she is perfecting her efforts. Thank you so much Marsha for volunteering to do this for our Unit.
Correspondence: Nothing reported at this time.
VA&R: Chairman Libby Moss reported as of this date there Will be a VA Carnival at York Hospital on October 6 from 9:00 -1:00 with a rain check date of October 13. RSVP for this is September 27. York Hospital will provide tables and tents. Members should bring bag chairs. Items to purchase for Veterans were suggested as: socks, back scratchers, appropriate snacks, etc. Judy Morton made the motion to allow VA&R Chairman Libby $200.00 to spend, Charlotte Connors seconded her motion and it carried on the floor. This money will come from Unit 19’s Veteran Fund. Those members volunteering to go and help Libby: Charlotte, Gail and Katherine.
Old Business: Nothing reported.
New Business: Reported in Finance.
Large Pot: The large pot was missed by Anita Simmons not being present. Next month it will be $65.00.
The Prayer for Peace was given by Unit 19 Chaplain Judy Morton. President Debbie Howell adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held September 5, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be catered and served at 6:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
For God and Country, Gail Gilliam, Unit 19 Secretary.