August 2021 Newsletter
Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 3rd immediately following the meal at 6:00 p.m.
Eddie Roger won the small jackpot of $38.00.
By not being present at the meeting, Ronald Bailey missed out on the opportunity to win the big jackpot of $284.00, Congratulations to Charles Beckum for being present, he walked away with half the pot for $142.00.
SICK CALL: Post members on sick call are Don Richardson, Robert P. Norman, Jimmy Hill, William T. Wall, Donald Taylor, Frank McBride. Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Lee, Archie Steen Jr.
Post 19 Website: Encourage other members to view their newsletter on the website.
New Members: Welcome David (USAF) who transferred from the Franklin Post.
Need Help: If you can help with Military Honors as a flag folder, contact Donny Walters at (931) 215-5581
Guests: State Commander Larry Kersey, Senior Vice Commander Lanny Culver and Middle TN Commander John Davis.
Post Everlasting: None
FLAGS FOLDED: 06/21/2021 J.W. Shouse, 06/22/2021 Johnny Davis, 06/26/2021 Donald Talley
Our Membership: Membership began on July 1st. Dues are $50.00 and can be paid online, by mail or here at the post.
Comments: Please carry membership applications with you. Try to recruit at least one new member this
year. Tell your friends about Post 19, Squadron 19, and Auxiliary Unit 19, and last year we proudly added Chapter 19 of the American Legion Riders. Please encourage veterans and their eligible family members to join the Post 19 American Legion family.